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Review my Landing Page/Funnel
Hey Jason- posted this 5 days ago, but never got a response. Just got this funnel up and running a few weeks ago. I’m in the songwriting space, selling a low ticket $27 masterclass with an $37 order bump and a $57 upsell on the subsequent page once you place an order. Would love your thoughts on how to take this page to the next level, it’s converting but not crushing it like I would like.
New comment 4d ago
Landing Page Review
Hey Jason, we've been redoing our site, could you give me your thoughts? My thought is the site should convey what we are and what we do clearly, so feedback on if it achieves that would be great. Appreciate your time!
New comment 6d ago
Conversion rate
Hey guys! What conversion rate are you looking on at average for cold traffic on low ticket?
New comment 6d ago
Landing/Sales Page Review!
Hey Jason- just got this up and running a few weeks ago. I’m in the songwriting space, selling a low ticket $27 masterclass with an $37 order bump and a $57 upsell on the subsequent page once you place an order. Would love your thoughts on how to take this page to the next level, it’s converting but not crushing it like I would like.
Can you review my funnel please 🙏🏻
Hi Jason, I bought your course and low ticket starter kit and just created my funnel will be great to have your feedback! I am in the UK so audio here is slightly different but same concept, looking to launch it tomorrow Thank you 🙏🏻
New comment 12d ago
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