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New comment 2d ago
Welcome! Start Here 🟢
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New comment Mar 6
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Improving Privacy and Security in Notion: Seeking Solutions
I'm looking for ways to enhance privacy and security in Notion. I often face the challenge of managing databases where I need to grant access to different users, but the owner wants to ensure limited access to certain information. So far, I've been using formulas and locking pages, but I've noticed that anyone with access can use the /table command to view the entire database. Has anyone encountered this issue and found a reliable way to handle it? Any tips or workarounds would be greatly appreciated!
New comment 5d ago
How to store public and private information together in your Notion workspace
Hey everyone, hope you're having a good week! @Tomas Maruccio and @Les Gramantik were having an interesting chat about privacy and security in Notion so I thought I'd chime in and share something with you all. There's an elegant solution to storing public and private information together in your Notion workspaces but it can be tricky to work out how to do it on your own. I hope this helps.
How to store public and private information together in your Notion workspace
Your own booking system in Notion!
@Jay Jeffries and I had a client this morning who was interested in using Notion as a booking system. If you've ever wondered about whether that's possible here's a way to go about creating it for yourself.
Your own booking system in Notion!
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Smooth Ops Notion Lab
We help entrepreneurs smooth and scale their operations with Notion.
Hosted by Certified Notion Consultant, Tim Jeffries.
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