Let’s talk $$$
Nomyad is back to offering payment plans, so if finances were stopping you from getting some guidance from the team, this should help. Email Sam@nomyadllc.com to schedule a call if you want to revisit or have your initial consultation with us.
Financing Contracts - a question I frequently get asked is “how will I fund these contracts?”. Last month, Nomyad partnered with Bright Wave Solutions to offer a solution for funding your contracts. You can either get a line of credit for your business (loan) or a business credit card. Juan, our contact over there will help determine which one is best for you, to contact him email info@brightwavefunding.com AND MAKE SURE YOU SAY DAY CANTAVE SENT YOU.
I am planning to host the next solicitation breakdown on Wednesday at 7 PM EST. The link will be posted this evening.
Happy Monday and go print some money!
Day Cantave
Let’s talk $$$
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