Anarcisse Alexander
UPDATE ~~ Generated My First 2 Sales using the method I last spoke about!
UPDATE ~~ Generated My First 2 Sales using the method I last spoke about!
If you read my post "Using Patreon To Monetise Your Fanbase. 100k Per Month?!" then you would know that I watched a webinar on this topic, built my own and decided to try it out! Well a day later and I've launched it and generated my first two sales! I wasn't expecting folks to skip past the low tier and go straight to the mid tier so quickly but i guess they see the value!
If you're wondering how you can start generating income from your music business and get started quickly with little to no upfront costs, then read the post linked above!
I'll keep updating you as time goes by!
Learn how to grow your fanbase without a label. Learn from the team behind Billboard #1 hits with 15+ years of experience in the industry.
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