Justin Langford
Should I start a NEW Instagram?
Should I start a NEW Instagram?
looking for advice advice. I’m not seeing the engagement I would expect since I started the 90 day blueprint, and I think something is up with my Instagram account. I read an article about “dead IG accounts” it states…
“Having a dead account happens when you have poor engagement, lower than the average engagement rate which is 1-3%. This number consists of all forms of engagement – likes, shares, and comments. For example, this means if you have 1,000 followers, you’re getting less than 10 counts of engagement on your posts regularly.“
This makes me think I may need to delete and rebuild because this is pretty much what I’m seeing. A few of my recent posts have 0 likes and very little views. As if Instagram is not showing my posts to ANY of my followers. It’s weird. I’m trying to make the best decision. The article also states…
“There’s a lot of reasons that a dead Instagram can happen. One reason is that you bought fake followers and they’re not engaging with your content... If you bought fake followers, what’s the point of continuing with an audience that’s not real or engaged with you. You could find real people who want to interact with your content. I truly think you’re better off starting a new account than trying to revive your dead Instagram account full of fake followers.”
I didn’t buy fake followers, but in June 2022, I tried working with this one guy named Shiekh Fye. He has a company called iStayFamous and represents Dorrough Music (“ice cream paint job”) and Lil Flip. Dude scammed me for a $1000, before I realized he wasn’t the real deal. I remember he put a bunch of followers on my page instantly, claiming it would help catapult me to attracting more of a following. I don’t even know how to get fake followers. I don’t understand how that works and never wanted fake followers, but I think that may have something to do with my engagement issue today. Please advise
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