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Book Cover Thoughts?
Which one you think is better? Don't worry about title, subtitle, etc. just the layout, colors, etc.
New comment Oct '24
Book Cover Thoughts?
Good morning, everyone! I am currently paying $1,200 per year to keep this community going. I don't mind paying that if it's valuable, but engagement has waned in recent weeks. (Including from myself!) Unless anyone has better ideas, I will plan to close the community over the next month. My wife and I are trying to save up to buy a "new" used car for our family to replace my 2011 Prius, so the savings will be nice. I will continue to post videos on YouTube, but my only other "community" will be on Patreon:
New comment Oct '24
CVS: Dip Buy or Dumpster Fire?
To echo @Kyle H.recent post. What is everyone’s thoughts on CVS? Thanks!
New comment Oct '24
To DRIP or not to DRIP that is the question.
I realize that we cannot time the stock market ebbs and flows but we can value a company within that market. In doing so, we have some idea when our wonderful company within our portfolio may become overvalued. So when it reaches that point and the stock company is ready to distribute a dividend, do you reinvest dividends or not? That is the question. Since, you already have a basket of stocks do you take the dividend and put it towards an undervalued stock in your portfolio? Do you reinvest the money into the same company regardless of its value? or do you take other actions with the dividend distribution. For me, I generally reinvest the dividend regardless of the company's stock value only because I do not have the time nor patience to watch my portfolio. So, for me its a 50/50 crap shoot of whether or not I'm getting the best value with DRIP. What does everyone else think about the DRIP?
New comment Oct '24
China surges, I'm skeptical
I just watched a video by Daniel Pronk about the China surge and basically he's saying that the risk is priced in and the CCP is now basically funding these companies to buy back shares. This seems highly suspicious market manipulation. He goes on to share a clip of David Tepper talking about how China is an amazing investment. Again, am I being too skeptical? If I wanted to increase my position size or even hope for a pullback, would I go on national television yelling at people to buy China? Both of these angles seem like thinly veiled deception. I'm curious what everyone else thinks.
New comment Oct '24
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