Mediumship Spirit Bureau
Public group
48 members
Forty plus years experience as a Medium. Educated at the famous Arthur Findlay College. I am here to share and help you become a Medium. Simple really!
In this course, you will get:
  • One place for complete beginners, everything you need to get you started
  • A lovely, trusted community to practice whether you are a beginner or advanced Medium
  • Weekly Group Zoom workshops covering tutorials, circles and readings and much more
  • A FREE Spiritual Assessment or 1.1 Tutorial if needed (limited spaces)
  • 10 Levels within the Classrooms with at least 8 Modules in each, that is up to 100 Modules!
First 50 members FREE forever then £27 monthly subscription.
And there's more!!!
Meditation for Beginners
Healing and Music Meditations
Guided Meditations for all purposes including Sitting In The Power
Free access on-line via Mobile, Phone, Laptop using the SKOOL App
Plus a 14 day FREE trial with support from me if you start up your own community using this link:
Privacy and terms
A practical step by step course on Mediumship and Meditation. Opens the door to realms beyond our limited consciousness with guided videos all the way
Leaderboard (30-day)
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