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☕Coffee Hour - Manic AI Tools is happening in 14 hours
If you're a service-based business owner looking to grow and scale - you're in the right place. It doesn't matter what type of business you have (Online or Brick & Mortar) - the strategies within this community can help you grow. ...just like they've helped more than 15,000+ other business owners. This isn't just another group where we are constantly trying to sell you crap you don't need. This is a TRIBE of ambitious like-minded individuals, ready to aggressively scale their businesses with no BS marketing strategies. We're for the action-takers. Not the bystanders. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ RULES: 🚫 No selling inside the group or self-promotion. Don't pitch people in the DM's. Keep it spam-free. ❓ If you've got questions, leverage the search box at the top FIRST - and if you can't find the answers you're looking for, drop a post for the community! 🤝 Don't be a jerk. We're all here to learn and have fun. And if that's not what you're about - go ahead and exit the group. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ACTION STEPS: 1️⃣ Introduce yourself in the comments below by using THIS TEMPLATE 2️⃣ Book a complimentary Marketing Strategy Session -- IMPORTANT -- This is not a sales call. It's just a chance for you to connect with our team, share where you're currently at and what your goals are. From there, our team will point you in the right direction with what content you should be focusing on. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ We aren't holding anything back in this community. ...which means if you're SERIOUS about growing... You're in the right place. Can't wait to watch you grow 📈
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New comment 11h ago
AI Tools
I absolutely love using AI tools to help me pump out content and streamline other business needs. Any other good recommendations here for AI-based tools?
Loving the new look & Skool!
New comment 9h ago
Linkedin Tool
Question! For the LinkedIn tool, does it have to be under the same account you used for the Facebook tool or can it be different? I want to use the Linkedin Tool for another side business that I run that I'm trying to grow on LinkedIn
New comment 10h ago
September is OFFICIALLY Here [Only 3 Months Left of 2024] 😲
We are in the last quarter of 2024 and it's time to kick things into gear. What are the MOST IMPORTANT things you need to get done by the end of the month? 🤔 It's time to take note - and start knocking them out one-by-one. ✅ Don't let 2024 be another year of "almosts"... Let's get 💩 DONE!
New comment 6d ago
September is OFFICIALLY Here [Only 3 Months Left of 2024] 😲
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