The 4 Menstrual Cycle Phases
A woman's cycle is more than merely her bleed!🩸
Often we are just taught about our periods and rarely even taught about ovulation unless you're trying to conceive. Little did I know that there are 4 phases to a menstrual cycle that are all in support of our vitality.
✨ And thus why your natural cycle is actually a 5th vital sign for good health. Here's just a few amazing facts about your natural cycle:*
🌹 Menstrual Phase: Days 1-5, Uterus sheds it's lining, Hormones drop
🌹 Follicular Phase :Days 6-13, Follicle for embryo grows, hormones begin to rise
🌹 Ovulatory Phase: Days 14-18, Egg is released, hormones are at their peek
🌹 Luteal Phase: Days 19-28, body prepares for pregnancy or shedding, hormones start to drop As our hormones change to support our body's reproductive system it's our duty support our body's hormones!!
💃🏼 I've been living cyclically for a few years now and have noticed a significant change in my mood. I can now identify what is setting my hormones off, and how to harness my energy during the different phases to optimize my health.
❤️ Cycle syncing has not only improved my health and wellness but my connection to my body as well. I've learned how to listen to her needs and support her as she ebbs and flows through her cycle. It's been such a juicy experience and I want you to experience the same bliss within your body.
Check out the classroom to start syncing with your menstrual cycle!
*Based on a 28 day cycle
xx Kirsten
Kirsten Schubert
The 4 Menstrual Cycle Phases
Juicy Cycle
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Join like-minded women living in alignment with their menstrual cycle and build heart-felt connections while learning more about your cyclical body xx
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