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Release #financialstress to protect yourself from #stroke risks
According to the World Stroke Organization, 1 in 4 adults over the age of 25 will have a stroke in their lifetime. Therefore, #Stroke is becoming a leading cause of death and disability worldwide during the current economic crisis. There is hope for a brighter future if you choose to develop a #self-discovery and self-healing #selfcareroutine using my #hopefilledhealthyhealinghappyhabits daily lifestyle strategies. Subscribe to catch my FREE daily tips.
Release #financialstress to protect yourself from #stroke risks
Release your eye health issues with my 5H framework
Here are more strategies to self-discover & work in your self-healing journey for renewed eye health. Did you know that a Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) occurs when one eye is weaker due to improper visual development during childhood? We will explore some of the exercises listed to strengthen your lazy eye muscles during the workshop. Comment “renewed sight” to join me in my FREE 5-day challenge with the opportunity to join my monthly membership plan to support each other in daily activities that help us to strengthen and renew our eye health. Stay tuned for my joy-filled colourful creative meals. Follow me for more of my #HopefilledHealthyHealingHappyHabits daily #selfcareroutine lifestyle practices to restore your eye health today.
Release your eye health issues with my 5H framework
Self-discovery strategies to release thyroid issues and symptoms.
Self-discovery strategies to release thyroid issues and symptoms. Explore my Hope-filled Healthy Healing Happy Habits daily lifestyle strategies to reduce your nutritional deficiencies and adopt new daily lifestyle practices to promote self-healing. Let’s connect if you are interested in my help with activities and meal plans.
Self-discovery strategies to release thyroid issues and symptoms.
5H Healing Plan for Chemo Recovery & Emotional Upliftment.
Explore my #joygiverqueen 5H Healing Plan for Chemo Recovery & Emotional Upliftment. Remember that you are loved unconditionally by your Loving Heavenly Father. He understands your pain. Trust and believe that He is still working on something good for you and your brighter future if you choose to partner with Him. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you focus on your own #selfcareroutine. You are stronger than you think. You can self-heal. Come join my #digitalmarket community and get the blueprint to release your #financialstress as this can lead to chronic disorders like autoimmune disorders because the body cannot handle the emotional and mental stress and starts developing tumours and cancers which are malfunctioning cells when they divide. The telomeres shorten every time a cell divides and starts malfunctioning leading to inflammation, disease and aging. Let’s age gracefully in 2025, ok? Comment “blueprint” to enjoy peace of mind. Let’s cheer each other on,ok? Susan Jeremiah, your 5H joyfilled coach
5H Healing Plan for Chemo Recovery & Emotional Upliftment.
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Joygiverqueen 5H Community
We implement self-discovery for self-healing using my Hopefilled Healthy Healing (emotional), Happy Habits daily lifestyle strategies.
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