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ICM Mastermind / Book Club is happening in 9 hours
Welcome - Start Here
Hi! Welcome to Inspire Create Manifest. This community helps people understand the power of the mind and how we can use it to create and manifest our best life using simple practices. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS thread below! (โœ„ copy/paste template ๐Ÿ‘‡) Where are you from? What are you manifesting / goals? What immediate help do you need? **Please DO NOT make a new post, as those clog up the feed (they will be removed). Also, be sure to check out the Skool Tour Video.
New comment 10d ago
Do You Have A Meditation Playlist?
I have finally jumped in to the premium level of Spotify. I am looking to explore playlists that you enjoy for meditation. I have searched Spotify and there are a lot to pick from. But I'd love to hear YOUR pick - the music or playlist my fellow Skool members listen to. And even if you are not us9ing Spotify, drop musical artist or titles you listen too. Thank you!
Parent Circle May
Reminder to those who can attend tonights gathering here is the link See you at 7pm EST! ~๐ŸŒธWe will not be posting the videos from the parent group, in honor of keeping the conversations and awakenings sacred, but if you would like to request the video, because you learn from the rewind ๐Ÿ˜ƒ, just ask and we will email you individually. Have a Perfect DayโœŒ๏ธ
New comment 20h ago
Mark your calendar on June 20th at 8:00 PM I will be hosting a free workshop on the RAS system. I am hosting this event to promote our beautiful skool community. Check out the info and registration page. If you feel moved, please share it with your friends and community.
Event Update!
Shaping our Selves: Manifestation through Somatic Embodiment with @Daniel Shankin June 6th 8:00 PM EST We know that weโ€™re not human doings, weโ€™re human beings. Yet the way we move through the world suggests otherwise. We focus on the things we need to do in order to get the things we want to get. Rarely do we consider how weโ€™re moving, what qualities of being we bring to our actions. Who is this person? How do they show up? Somatic embodiment asks us to consider the body in its wholeness. Itโ€™s a rich source of information, constantly communicating deep feelings and entrenched beliefs about who we believe ourselves to be. It also shows us tools for change that lasts, even in stressful situations. Through simple yet conscious practice, we can reshape ourselves into versions of ourselves that more consistently express our values and inner truth. โ€”------ As a psychedelic integration coach, Daniel serves people with emerging spiritual visions weave their new-found truths into their lives in a way that is sustainable, harmonious, compassionate, and wise. His methods are fiercely practical while maintaining space for mystery and magic to emerge. He offers time-tested and scientifically backed tools so clients can create a life for themselves that is aligned with their deeper values and manifests measurable results that matter. As the founder and director of Tam Integration, heโ€™s committed to offering radically accessible and inclusive support and education for people who are wanting to transform, heal, and grow. Tamโ€™s integration circles and online conferences enjoy a world wide audience and much critical acclaim. He also leads the year long Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program, training emerging leaders in the facilitation of transformational engagement. He and his wife live in a tiny town in New England where they forage for mushrooms and throw rocks into creeks with their two young boys.
New comment 5d ago
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