Inner Path To Purpose
Private group
12 members
$67 /month
By joining the Inner Path To Purpose Community we will help you identify:
  1. Fertilization Phase - This is the non-judgmental discovery of how your past has been preparing you for your life's purpose.
2. Emergence Phase - This is when you begin to awaken to a deep calling within and begin to subtly notice who you is not linked to your past roles or identities.
3. Pollination Phase - In this phase, we actively find pathways to share your purpose in meaningful ways with the world.
When you join the Inner Path To Purpose Community you will receive:
⚒️ The Self-Identified Life Purpose Method Online Course
✏️ A comprehensive video & resource library
💡 Supportive & Helpful Community
🤫 Weekly LIVE Q&A support calls
And for those who Join today, we also provide you with our unique 30-day live coaching program to help you identify the parts of yourself that are preventing life's purpose from being revealed to you.
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We help you find Inner Peace & reveal your life purpose - With 9 simple tools to navigate daily challenges, Helpful content & Live Real Time Support
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