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Hello and a warm welcome to all our Industrial Growth Masters! ๐ŸŒŸ This group is our shared space to openly discuss the highs and lows of navigating the construction world. Building a service-based business in this challenging industry can be tough, but together, we can make the journey a bit easier. By sharing our wins and learning from our setbacks, we're not just building better companies, we're creating a better world! So let's support each other, share our experiences, and grow together in this amazing community. Excited to see all your contributions and successes!
AI in Construction!
Over the past few weeks, I've found myself increasingly relying on AI for a myriad of applications. The AIs I've been using are Chat GPT, Otter AI, and Axiom. - Chat GPT: A fantastic tool for asking questions, sentence correction, email composition, and tackling complex queries. For $20 a month, it offers personalized AI tailored to your company. - Axiom: An essential skimming tool for gathering customer data. On LinkedIn, it can extract company information for potential customers. For instance, activating Axiom allows you to select and compile details such as first name, last name, company, title, and employment duration into an Excel sheet for targeted marketing. - Otter AI: Perfect for clients who cover numerous tasks and add comments that might not be immediately relevant but could be useful later. Otter AI records and transcribes discussions into documents. When used with Chat GPT, it helps create a concise list of important details and action items for future customer integrations.
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