ANNOUNCING the 2nd case study contest!
Win $1,000 PLUS get MASSIVE FREE advertising for your agency/services for a TINY 3-5 minute video. Here's how it works: We want to encourage sharing. So much so we will just bribe you. Bi-weekly we will be choosing the best mini guide/case study showing an ad tactic or strategy that is currently working for you. The winner will get the following -$1,000 -BIGGER : Their case study PASTED at the top of the group with a link to their business/services and or courses/site. With the traffic this forum gets this is almost a guaranteed client or two. The runner up case studies (2nd and 3rd) will also be pined below the winner. To enter meet the criteria below -Create a 3-5 minute video OR a written guide n post it in the group -Make sure to describe what your study teaches and the results it got in the post text. -Encourage questions (responding helps your chances as well) More is always better. If you want to make longer videos, provide additional training or docs by all means. We will judge the contest on the 7th of October.