🌱 [START HERE] Welcome to the Gut Health Transformation Community!
If you're here to heal your gut, learn how to optimize your immune system, restore your health, grow and share in health knowledge you will! When was the last time you truly felt good? Close your eyes for a moment and remember how that felt. Now imagine waking up every day with that same vitality. You are about to take your first step on a journey towards reclaiming your health! Instead of masking symptoms with medications that only cover up the problem, your going to learn how to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your illness. But before we begin, let me provide you with a WORD of CAUTION! Many natural doctors, functional medicine doctors, health coaches and "experts" in natural medicine, alternative medicine, take weekend courses or online certifications, then market themselves as experts. There is no question, functional medicine has great potential to heal most chronic diseases. However, true mastery requires years of study, clinical experience, and ongoing education—not a quick-fix program. Dr. Krystosik has over 35 years of clinical experience helping more than 20,000 patients reclaim their health with drug free medicine. He has an undergraduate degree in nutrition, a doctorate in Chiropractic and has taken 1000's of hours of postgraduate courses and internships with leading physicians in functional medicine. He has written 7 books on natural medicine and interviewed world renown experts in nutrition and functional medicine for over thirty years on his weekly radio and podcast program. Many of his patients were told they would need medication for life—or worse, surgery to remove body parts. Yet under his care, they became drug-free, and their bodies healed on it's own, naturally. Dr. Krystosik believes in prescribing research-proven natural remedies, and works in cooperation with nature to unlock the healing power programmed into each one of our bodies from birth. THIS POST IS PACKED WITH INFORMATION THAT WILL ENABLE YOU TO THRIVE IN THIS COMMUNITY! Step-by-Step to Get Started