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How to get big on YouTube
I took Amplify Views' course, here are my notes: - Start video with you challenging the status quo (doing something unusual) - End each sentence on a low pitch - Emphasize important words - Put sheet on wall to improve audio (optional) - Analyze video retention. See what increases it and what decreases it - Maximize first 5-30 seconds - Cut pauses in talking (riverside does this for free) - Switch between 2 camera angles (optional, improves retention) - End video with CTA. (call to action) Say, "and if you want to learn more about that... click [THIS] video" (use endcard to link video) - Answer questions without asking them (improves flow and therefore retention) - Have credibility - Aim for a low supply, high demand niche/topic - Add graphics to show what your talking about (improves retention) - Surprise the viewers with the outro, if they expect it, they'll click off - Use open loops throughout video, every time a loop is closed, open a new one. Open loops are basically just questions. - Subtle suspected viewer objections - Have an edge. What makes you different? - Your thumbnail shouldn't be understandable without the title. This forces people to also read the title and builds interest - Make thumbnail and title exciting - Title should address audience pain points - Title should evoke curiosity -Title should evoke an emotion - Create LOTS of variations of your title and thumbnail and choose the best one, if it performs bad, change it - Discard 95% of your ideas. Ideas are quick to come up with, so only choose the best. - Use YouTube research tab to get video ideas - Capitalize on trends (optional) - Have a distinct brand - Get straight to the point - Master storytelling - Storytelling: Make your protagonist the viewer. He starts off unsuccessful (like them) but eventually achieves the desired result (money, fame, ect) - Combine topics from niches (jigsaw puzzles + speedrunning = speedrunning jigsaw puzzles) - People love competitions.
If you're de-energised and in a rut, read this:
What's up, my people? Long time no talk. For the past few days, I was in a rut. I wanted to share what helped me get out, in case it resonates with and provides value to even one person reading this. I went from being super productive, confidently sweeping through my habit tracker, to laying in bed all day, scrolling mindlessly on YouTube. I went from being motivated and driven towards improving myself to (might be TMI but just want to be transparent) not even wanting to change out of my clothes after a long day of wallowing in my own self-loathing. I was in a full-on rut; this is how I got out: 1. Changed my environment. By cleaning up my desk, etc. I could dissociate myself from the environment that created the rut in the first place (a chance to refresh). 2. Journalling. I did a 5-step written journalling exercise; I forgave myself for not being productive, I wrote down everything that had been stressing me out, I reflected on why I had been stressing about those things, I created an actionable list of things to do to get out of my rut, and finally I reminded myself why it is that I wanted to get out of my rut in the first place (contentment, etc.) Final thoughts - If you're in a rut, don't worry my friend. Take a step back, and forgive yourself by thinking about how far you have come from when you first started. And you'll be great. I believe in you!
If you're de-energised and in a rut, read this:
If you want to learn Copywriting ...
Read this if you want to learn copywriting or get into it. Free book - Copywriting Secrets
Gain 5+ Hours Every Day
Introduction: Do you feel like you don't have enough time in the day? This is not another "stop using social media 10 hours every day" video. In this video, I will be giving the 4 techniques, each one, will give you another hour in the day. Tip 1; Hussle During Class: Your teachers choose the amount of work they assign based off of what others typically do in a certain timeframe, because others are lazy, the amount of work you have to do isn't very much. For classes where the teacher just hands out an assignment and stops talking, if you're hyper-productive and blitz through your work you can finish 30–60 minutes early. Tip 2; Eliminate Empty Time: If you replace the minutes before class starts, the time before your first class starts, time when you're just ideally standing around, time spent riding the bus and possibly even lunch with work, you can gain another hour. Tip 3; Be In School Less: If your school offers "release periods", you can gain another hour. Tip 4; Stop Wasting Time In The Morning: If you're anything like I used to be, you have about an hour every morning before school to do some habits like, eating, showering, and working out. If you skip breakfast, take 5-minute showers, and workout at school, you can gain another hour! Conclusion: By doing all of these things, you can gain 5+ hours in your day. If you previously worked for 8 hours, you can now annihilate your competition by working 33% more, or you can play video games for 4 hours a day while still getting all of your work done. You're choice. Won't I Get Worse Grades?: No, I use these techniques and have a 4.0 GPA. If you put in twice as much effort, you can spend half as much time. You can learn how by watching this video: I Can't Do Everything Outlined: You're not meant to everything mentioned in this video. Just do as many as you can. Won't This Stress Me Out?: These techniques will increase your stress. Because of this, I highly recommend taking time off.
Gain 5+ Hours Every Day
How To Easily Get A's Without Studying
Video: Slideshow: Document:
How To Easily Get A's Without Studying
1-30 of 62
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