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Most of you guys don’t actually understand how easy it is to win these days… Making money online is as easy as sitting by a river and collecting water. Once you actually understand how it flows, you can collect it endlessly… Right now, you have access to an entire world at your fingertips. Endless information and knowledge on how money moves in the world. Millions of ways to crack the ice and create sustainable income just from your phone. And you’re telling me you can’t manage to extract a measly $1000 from it? The opportunities for you to make money are not just knocking; they're pounding on the door, BEGGING for you to open it. The Real World has completely leveled the playing field. It's no longer about who you know or where you're from. It's about what you know… What you're willing to LEARN… And how fast you can ACT! There are TEENAGERS making 10 times their teacher’s salary right NOW in The Real World. Think about that. If they can do it, what's stopping you? 👇
New comment Mar 7
How to get in my Mentorship.
A lot of you asked me how can you be mentored by me. The only way is to be a member of my mentorship program. For 3 months I will entirely transform you as a man, starting with your mindset. If right now your life is not where you want it to be (money, women, network, shape, etc.) it is first because you have a poor mindset and I will help you to fix this. My mindset got me to the UFC in less than 22 months. The same mindset made me successful in business in record time. I've helped a lot of entrepreneurs reach the next level in their business by implementing what I share inside of my mentorship. If you're ready to listen to me for 3 months and change your life. You can apply by clicking down below: PS: a member of my team will review your application, if you're qualified you will hop on a call.
New comment Mar 12
Want to become an amazing fighter?
I've created a special course sharing how I've made it to the UFC in 22 short months. It's not about how to throw a punch but all about the mindset required to get to the highest level within the fighting world. This is not for everyone. I offer 50% for the members of my community when you go through this link (don't share it).
New comment Apr 29
Imposter Syndrome
If you've ever had "imposter syndrome" or ever felt like you're somewhere where you don't belong... Chances are... You're right. The reason you feel that way is because you feel insecure in your ability to perform. You're not where you're supposed to be...YET. But this a good sign... It means your body is telling you that you can be BETTER. You have room to GROW. The great news is that the barrier for entry for most skills is much lower than you think. Because most skills aren't rocket science. Just a few months of hard work can make you functionally competent. And a year of dedication can make you GREAT. That's it. That's really all it takes. So, the question isn't whether you're good enough... It's whether you're willing to put in the work. - Luke
What's the point of life if everything is easy? What's the point if there's no struggle, no challenge to overcome? Imagine playing a video game where you win EASILY every time, no matter what. How long would you keep playing? You'd get bored FAST. Life is the same. If you want the best things, you have to work for them. You have to push yourself, face your fears, and get through the hard times. A broken heart, empty wallet, and hungry stomach will teach you the best lessons in life. And you'll never forget them. Struggle isn't a bad thing. It makes you stronger, tougher, and smarter. It's like a fire that burns away weakness and shows you what you're really made of. Most of you understand this, so why aren't you challenging yourself? You can't be afraid of hard times. You have to look forward to them. Embrace them. Let them test you and make you better. The easy road might seem nice, but it won't get you far. It's the hard road, the one with sweat and tears, that leads to the best things in life. So choose your path. Do you want an easy life that goes nowhere, or do you want to face challenges and get the biggest rewards? It's up to you. Just remember, the best things in life are earned, not given. - Luke
New comment 6d ago
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