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Most of you guys don’t actually understand how easy it is to win these days… Making money online is as easy as sitting by a river and collecting water. Once you actually understand how it flows, you can collect it endlessly… Right now, you have access to an entire world at your fingertips. Endless information and knowledge on how money moves in the world. Millions of ways to crack the ice and create sustainable income just from your phone. And you’re telling me you can’t manage to extract a measly $1000 from it? The opportunities for you to make money are not just knocking; they're pounding on the door, BEGGING for you to open it. The Real World has completely leveled the playing field. It's no longer about who you know or where you're from. It's about what you know… What you're willing to LEARN… And how fast you can ACT! There are TEENAGERS making 10 times their teacher’s salary right NOW in The Real World. Think about that. If they can do it, what's stopping you? 👇
New comment Mar 7
How to get in my Mentorship.
A lot of you asked me how can you be mentored by me. The only way is to be a member of my mentorship program. For 3 months I will entirely transform you as a man, starting with your mindset. If right now your life is not where you want it to be (money, women, network, shape, etc.) it is first because you have a poor mindset and I will help you to fix this. My mindset got me to the UFC in less than 22 months. The same mindset made me successful in business in record time. I've helped a lot of entrepreneurs reach the next level in their business by implementing what I share inside of my mentorship. If you're ready to listen to me for 3 months and change your life. You can apply by clicking down below: PS: a member of my team will review your application, if you're qualified you will hop on a call.
New comment Mar 12
Want to become an amazing fighter?
I've created a special course sharing how I've made it to the UFC in 22 short months. It's not about how to throw a punch but all about the mindset required to get to the highest level within the fighting world. This is not for everyone. I offer 50% for the members of my community when you go through this link (don't share it).
New comment Apr 29
Change is Messy
Life has a habit of getting difficult the moment you’re about to level up But these challenges are a test – the universe wants to see if you're ready for that next level. Think about it... before you reach any big milestone, there's always that moment of doubt. A new job... A new relationship... A big move... Trying to pass this test is where most people will fuck up… They’ll either bitch out and go back to their comfort zone. Or manage to fuck it up and then give up all together because it got “too difficult” Never make the mistake of giving up when things get difficult The extra stress and anxiety i's a sign you're on the right track. It means it’s working… Change is messy. And your life is still being rebuilt. Even if you fall on your face, you'll be better prepared next time. So never complain about the level of difficulty you have to endure. Dig into that discomfort. Prove to yourself that you deserve the life you want. You're more ready than you think. - Luke
Change is Messy
Big Men Eat Big Steaks.
And this isn’t just about the size of your meal. It’s about having a mindset that demands more from life. When you sit down to a big, juicy steak, you’re not just eating—you’re making a statement. You’re saying you’ve earned it. You’re saying you’re not afraid to go for the best, to indulge in something substantial. This is more than food; it’s a reflection of how you live your life. Moderation is for pussies. If you want to make a mark, you need to go all in. Live life to the fullest. Push your limits in every aspect—career, health, relationships. Go for the big steak. Fuel yourself with passion, ambition, and drive. Don’t hold back, don’t settle for less. When you demand big things from yourself, you get big results. Every choice, every action, every bite of that steak is a step towards living a life of greatness. I see so many weaklings walking around today. They don’t train, probably vegan, and get pegged on the weekends... All while talking about "moderation this and moderation that." Moderation??? What the hell is moderation?? It’s a bullshit excuse for not pushing yourself. It’s an easy way out for people who don’t want to commit. If you’re not going all in, you’re not truly living. So, forget the small portions and timid approaches. Embrace the big, the bold, and the extraordinary. Big men don’t just eat big steaks—they live big lives. They go after what they want with relentless energy. They savor the moments and push the boundaries. That’s the mentality you need. Don’t just survive—thrive. Make every day count, and always, ALWAYS go for the big steak. - Luke
Big Men Eat Big Steaks.
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