Genius To Gold Mini Membership
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39 members
Are you a Seasoned in-person business owner ready to stop the time-for-money grind and say hello to daily Stripe notifications? πŸ’°πŸ’°.
πŸ‘‘ Turn Your Expertise Into Online Income with Transformational Digital Products (minus the Techy overwhelm!) πŸ‘‘
βœ… You've mastered wearing multiple hats, and navigating the complexities of your business (you’ve also done your fair share of β€˜throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks’ strategy - ami riiigghhhtt? πŸ˜†).
Now you're at a point in your life and business where you want a clear vision for the next 10 years.
βœ… You want more time, freedom and a different way to share your knowledge.
You're ready to challenge your current in-person model and embrace online, but you're left wondering 'Where the fk do I start?'
The answer is simple: here πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
Get the step-by-step plan and tools you need to build the engine of your online business.
Join us πŸ‘‘
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The best $9/month membership helping seasoned health, fitness + wellness pros monetise their expertise online, simply πŸ‘‰ turn your genius to gold πŸ‘‘.
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