Founders Run Club Pro
Private group
18 members
$48 /month
Welcome to Founders Run Club! 👋🏽
We're a private, virtual community for early stage founders, operators & builders across the startup world. Through the club, you'll be connected with other entrepreneurs building across every industry and stage, each joining the club from every role and startup function – all to take you & your startup to the next level.
Here's what you'll get access to:
• 2x month fireside chats + Q&A with top founders & startup leaders on pressing topics
• 2x month small-format mastermind groups with others in your industry & at your stage
• 1x month exclusive events (like founder happy hours, VC mixers & more)
• 24/7 startup support from all of us (whether on fundraising, growth, ops, hiring, vendors or more)
💸 Our pricing (currently $48/month) fluctuates as the club gets bigger–join today to make sure you get in before our prices raise next!
Privacy and terms
We're a private, virtual community for early stage founders, operators & builders across the startup world.
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