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Announcement 🚨
I will be closing this community in the next 48 hours. For anyone who was using these workouts inside the community then please message me and I will hook you up :) I want to make sure that I don't leave you hanging🤝 Hope all of you have a great day :)
New comment May '24
Happy Monday!
What's everyones week plans? Also make sure to prioritize your health and fitness this week! Your health should be #1 over anything else - Because when you're at your healthiest then everything else in your life improves 10x
New comment Apr '24
Bed Time Yoga🧘🏻‍♂️🛌
Here’s a yoga routine you can do before bed to help wind down and feel amazing :)
Bed Time Yoga🧘🏻‍♂️🛌
Happy Easter!🐣
Today is a day of transformation and rebirth! So I advise you do some self reflection today on what parts of you it's time to let go of - Limiting beliefs - Fears that are holding you back - Negative friends/ Family members - etc... And then figure out what you need to implement into your life to help you transform into the best version of yourself! - Working out - Meditation - Journaling - Better Nutrition - Good Sleep - etc... It's time to crack out of your little egg you've been holding yourself inside of and blossom into the person you were born to be🙏🏼✨ I'm also thinking of doing a free class tomorrow on zoom: We would do a workout and then some journaling exercises to help you bring clarity to the questions above. Let me know if you'd be interested in joining by commenting below :)
Self Talk Saturday🗣✨
Everyone comment below an affirmation for yourself today 🙏🏼 I’ll go first “I am growing every single day in Mindset, Health, and spirituality”
New comment Mar '24
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FIT4LIFE Community
FIT4LIFE Community Makes Working Out and Living a Healthier Lifestyle Fun and Enjoyable! 💪🏼😁
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