Playing and thinking with AI tools
Definitely applicable to the legends in this community, here’s the link and my thoughts below, would love to hear yours. Feel free to share links and experiments you’ve done!
This article is a really nice example yet again of how each of us playing around gets you thinking about something from different angles and lived experiences - in this case - also across more careers and use cases.
My thoughts/
Given how fast the tech is being integrated where apparently it’s already in Google Docs and about to be released in Microsoft Office, if you haven’t had a play yet, I can highly recommend.
For me the benefits of being an early adopter have always been “the potential” to sneak peek and fast track integrating something that will enhance, improve or speed up my ability to create.
It’s a win-win, as there’s also gold in the lemons too. Because even if the thing you’re testing out ends up a dud, the likelihood of being rewarded with a key insight is pretty decent.
This article reinforces the importance for as diverse a range of people to be playing with these tools as possible. For us to be as ready as possible for as many useful - and not so useful - applications. The diversity of minds and cultures we need to give this the respect and urgency it deserves. For proper, optimistic yet deep consideration of the governance, ethics and risk management required.
Dave Gregurke
Playing and thinking with AI tools
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