Open Goals Vs Closed Goals
Hi Everyone,
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking in terms of its application in facilitation thought I would share.
In story, especially film. We use Open Goals at the beginning and then move to close the goal to the end of a film let me explain.
I’ll use Star Wars.
Luke receives a message, he has to reach Leia with it, and he has to save her.
This is a somewhat open goal. Save her from what? There are so many things that she might need saving from? So many unanswered questions.
But an open goal, is a broad goal that is easily agreed upon. This is a lower cost of entry, for the audience as it has no commitment to the cause.
The closed goal we eventually find out is Luke has to, blow up the Death Star, which in turn saves the galaxy which in turn saves Leia.
So how does that apply conceptually to facilitation.
Well using broad or open goals earlier in discussion can encourage buy-in, reduces the cost of entry. But using a closed goal, to define what success is helps people feel a sense of accomplishment and will want to do it again. But knowing where to use not use specific types of goals can help depending on the need.
I’ll probably write a more in-depth analysis on a blog or a video. But I just wanted to share and discuss with everyone.
Success = Saving Galaxy
Blowing up Death Star = Saving Galaxy
Success = Blowing up Death Star
Success = making people more organized
Improving the uptake due to a UX improvement = more people are using it
= more people are getting organized = Success
may the force be with you.
Andrew Phan
Open Goals Vs Closed Goals
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