Have you heard of this drawing tool before? It's amazing for Visual Facilitation!
AutoDraw is a new kind of drawing tool. It leverages machine learning to help users create quick, professional-looking drawings, even if they don't possess any formal artistic skills. Also, it's completely free!
The tool works by analyzing users' rough sketches and then suggesting more polished, professionally-drawn alternatives. When you draw an image, AutoDraw interprets the lines and shapes to understand what you're attempting to depict. As you sketch, it offers a range of related images that have been pre-drawn by artists, which you can select to replace your own sketch.
This tool can be really useful for Facilitators in various ways:
  1. Visualization: AutoDraw helps Facilitators quickly visualize ideas during meetings or brainstorming sessions. The tool's ability to turn rough sketches into professional drawings makes the resulting visuals more clear and accessible for all participants.
  2. Engagement: Using this tool could be the perfect icebreaker or warm-up activity for remote sessions. AutoDraw can make sessions more interactive and fun, as participants can try their hand at drawing and see their sketches turned into professional images. This can help boost engagement and creativity.
  3. Accessibility: It helps Facilitators create visuals even if they lack drawing skills. This levels the playing field and enables everyone to contribute visually to discussions, regardless of their artistic abilities.
  4. Efficiency: With AutoDraw, Facilitators can create visuals quickly, which can make meetings more efficient. Instead of spending time trying to perfect a drawing, they can focus more on the meeting's content and discussions.
  5. Documentation: Facilitators can use AutoDraw to document discussions or decisions visually, making it easier for participants to remember and reference later.
I know you could argue that this tool can stifle people's creativity BUT I do believe it can very beneficial if you're in a hurry and want to add images to your sessions. OR if you're creating content for LinkedIn and want to add visuals to your slides, this is the perfect tool to create images in a fast and efficient way!
Have you tried this tool before? Are there other drawing tools that you've found useful?
Rebecca Courtney
Have you heard of this drawing tool before? It's amazing for Visual Facilitation!
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