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💰 How I Make $5000+ Per Month as an Artist Selling Online Courses
I just uploaded a new video that dives into how you can create and sell profitable online courses. I've made over 130 tutorials and have successfully launched more than 15 courses, bringing in over $70,000. Now, I'm sharing the key strategies that helped me achieve this success. 🎥 Here is my 5-step process that we will cover - What most people get wrong - My view on how it's done right - Course research - Course creation - Course launch, marketing, scaling 🌟 Check out the video below and let me know in the comments what you would like to know 🙋🏻‍♂️ If you are a creative person and you would like to start your own business and you want my personal help with it, you can schedule a free strategy session with me, so we can discuss your individual strategy and if it sounds like you want to work with me, I will tell you what i have to offer.
💰 How I Make $5000+ Per Month as an Artist Selling Online Courses
How to learn a new skill (For business, hobby or anything)
I've just uploaded a new video on my new YouTube channel that will be focusing on the following things: - How to build an online course business - How to create , sell and market an online course - How to start and grow a YouTube channel - And much more... In today's video, I am showing how to learn a new skill. If it's something for your business or learning a new software it's often the same process and many people are stuck in "tutorial watching" and procrastinating. So in this video, you will learn how to learn effectively and get results. This strategy that worked for me, generated me over $70K since last year, as you constantly have to learn new skills in business to grow. Leave a comment on what else you would like to see.
How to learn a new skill (For business, hobby or anything)
🎥 What do you want to know? (Video ideas)
So, I guess we start with something new and exciting. I have already like 50+ video ideas about what I will talk about to help you on your journey. But is there anything specific you personally want to know, what I should make a video about? Please check other comments and if someone mentioned already something you are interested in, leave him a like and I will make a video on that.
New comment Feb 27
Hello there
New comment Feb 27
Hello there
What's my biggest advice I can give you to grow?
I think a huge one would be to figure out what you actually have to do, and fully focus on it. Without distracting yourself with all these different social media accounts, different tools and programs etc. I have recorded a new video explaining that in detail:
What's my biggest advice I can give you to grow?
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Educational Artists
Learn how to monetize your knowledge as an artist through educational content.
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