Wholesaling E-Book (Coming Soon)
Course unlocks at Level 2
Wholesaling E-Book (Coming Soon)
Learn the 10 steps, that you need to take to close your FIRST wholesale deal REMOTELY!
Wholesaling Glossary
Course unlocks at Level 3
Wholesaling Glossary
A FULL real estate glossary that way any newbie or intermediate individual can understand ALL of the lingo, and terminology used in the industry!
7 Figure Cold Call Script
Course unlocks at Level 4
7 Figure Cold Call Script
Get the SAME exact cold calling script that my team has used for years, to find super hot leads to get deals at HUGE discounts!
DDR Rehab Cheat Sheet
Course unlocks at Level 5
DDR Rehab Cheat Sheet
Get my rehab cheat sheet that way you’re never confused about how to come up with a rehab budget on a property ever again, now do it in 60 seconds!
100 Free Skiptraced Cash Buyers (Upon Request)
Course unlocks at Level 6
100 Free Skiptraced Cash Buyers (Upon Request)
100 FREE cash buyers. Simple as that. I will give you 100 cash buyers with their phone numbers in whatever market you want!
Marketing Mastery Course (Uploading Soon)
Course unlocks at Level 7
Marketing Mastery Course (Uploading Soon)
Get access to my marketing mastery breakdown to show you exactly what I am doing to generate hot leads to close & make huge assignment fees
1,000 Free Skiptraced Seller Leads (Upon Request)
Course unlocks at Level 8
1,000 Free Skiptraced Seller Leads (Upon Request)
Unlock 1,000 free seller leads with the seller’s phone numbers, in whatever market you want! More Leads = More Deals!
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