Divinity Circle
Public group
2 members
$1 /month
Let's Create YOUR Divine LIFE
The circle of life.. is about your circle.. the people around you.. the ones you help, and the ones that help you.
It may be in BIG ways... and it may be just those simple small things that happen every day.
YOU Make an Impact!
You know it, there are people around you that make an impact on you every day.
The neighbor that shovels your walk.
The coffee guy who smiles so nice when you order.
The friend you have not seen in 10 years who likes every one of your FB posts.
Those people make you feel good.
And you... yes you.. do the same for people around you!
Let me tell you a little secret....
If you do it more.. for more people... well,
what comes around goes around...
Let's Create Your Divine Life!
A Circle of Experts Offering Physical and Emotional Therapy, Guidance, Courses, Coaching, Readings, Treatments to Support You on Your Journey in Life
Imagine a place where you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.
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Public group
Embark on YOUR own remarkable journey, a transformation in life and spirit! Join A Circle of Divine Experts Offering Personal Wellness and Healing.
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