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Introduce Yourself (Start Here✅)
Hey! Welcome to Dad's University! The goal of this group is to help new dads become the best versions of themselves while maintaining a balanced work and personal life. You'll find our courses (And our Dad Joke Library [Unlocks at level 2]) in the Classroom section, feel free to make a post in the group if you need help with anything (tag me if needed.) To start your time here, please comment below introducing yourself. You can include 1. Your name/nicknames 2. Where you were born 3. What you're currently struggling with as a dad - more if you feel like it :) See you there ! [P.S. click here to learn more about our group)
New comment Mar 26
I did some digging and found some of the best books for these 3 categories, Enjoy ;) Psychology - The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel - The 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene - Dark Psychology - Jonathan Mind - The Laws of Human Nature - Robert Greene - Read People Like a Book - Patrick King - Surrounded by Idiots - Thomas Erikson - Power vs Force - David R. Hawkins - How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie - The Confidence Game - Maria Konnikova - The Bible Of Dark Psychology - Halbert Ward - The Emotional Intelligence of Human Psychology - Lin Pen - Self-Improvement - Atomic Habits - James Clear - Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins - 12 Rules For Life - Jordan R. Peterson - The Power Of Letting Go - John Purkiss - Dopamine Detox - Thibaut Meurisse - Make Your Bed - William H. McRaven - The Mountain Is You - Brianna West - Meditations - Marcus Aurelius - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson - Think and Grow Rich - Dale Carnegie - Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl - Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy - The Wim Hof Method - Wim Hof - Disciplines of a Godly Man - R. Kent Hughes - Becoming The 0.1% - Gareth Timmins - The 1% Rule - Tommy Baker - Rewire Your Mindset - Brian Keane Relationships - The Bible - God - Fight Right - John & Julie Gottman - The Relationship Cure - John Gottman - Anxiously Attached - Jessica Baum - Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? - Julie Smith - How To Talk To Anyone - Leil Lowndes - How To Be An Adult In Relationships - David Richo - The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman - How To Be The Love You Seek - Nicole LePera - How To Have Meaningful Relationships - Emma Power - Women Who Love Too Much - Robin Norwood - Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson - Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray
You can't rush progress
I grew up with frequent arguments and spankings, For 13 years that's ALL I knew. In the first few months of my partner and I's relationship, I thought we were going good... (That was obviously just the honeymoon phase) Five months in however, all our triggers unveiled themselves and no longer could our true personality hold us back. We started arguing. It was a painful and confusing period, at times I thought it was the end. But love perseveres 💪 We started working on ourselves, side by side. Don't get me wrong, it was NOT. A skate in the park, Of course the petty arguments still popped up here and there. That's because progress is SLOW. 99% of the time, you're breaking something down and replacing it with something better. When it feels like all hope is lost, remember, you might just still be breaking down your old ways. Don't lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, keep pushing no matter what!
Getting users active again (funnel)
1) Send message to inactive users "Hey, I'm a mod for dad's community, I noticed you've been inactive in the community lately, is it because we're boring to you?" Don't directly ask them "Why aren't you interacting" "Is there any reason for this", instead throw a little joke like "is it because you find us boring now?" "Did the group not live up to your expectations?" 2) Send another message "Hey ____, the community would love if you were more active !" 3) Create short video asking users to participate more within the group showcasing what's going on while they're not active.
“TikTok Brain Rot Terms”
Heres a list of terms that users actively use and describe as “brain rot terms” - “Only in Ohio” - Fanum tax - Skibidi - Sigma - Gyatt - Rizz If your kids use these terms in person, chances are they are using waaaay too much time on the phone. But don’t worry, like all things, this can be fixed; So let’s go over “ The Do’s and Don’ts of Lowering Your Kids Screen Time “ (From a 17 year old ex-social media addicted kid / soon to be dads perspective) DO: ✅ - Discuss when and why they use social media the most - Set boundaries that fit with above 👆 - Ask if they’ve seen anything interesting or funny - Believe (and let them know) they are capable of doing more productive things in their free time than watching TikTok - Encourage in-person socialisation - even through interacting with them more yourself - Do the same (quit un-social media) - I’ll be honest here, my mum used to spend more time on her phone than me 🤣 - Reward them for lowering screen time DONT: ❌ - Reward them with MORE screen time - Punish them for using their phone - Shame or blame them for their social media usage - Ignore your own social media habits - Set unrealistic expectations (phone off at ‘X’ time or only 1 hour a day etc) - Invade your kid’s privacy - Give up if progress is slow - Neglect the importance of YOU interacting with them face-to-face - Take it too serious :D - We were all kids once 🤷‍♂️ That’s a wrap ! I hope you enjoyed it and found it insightful. Would you add any more ? Comment them below 👇
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