Jan '23 (edited) in General Discussion
The 2023 TikTok Trend Report Round Table.
TikTok just released what's on the menu for trends in 2023 and you've been booked a seat for the grand opening. Take your seats, first course is on it's way.
FIRST COURSE: Effective Entertainment
  • Two words that have a big meaning in the TikTok realm. Effective Entrainment is the combination of expression and action. TikTok has become the haven for combining business with pleasure. As of 2023, 4 in 5 users say TikTok is very or extremely entertaining - meaning brands should be creating ads that have a goal of entertaining. They should be playful, personable and simply, just funny. This will encourage off-platform action with the brand as entertaining content produces positive emotions, which results in interacting with the brand in more ways than TikTok. Among people who took an off-platform action as a result of a TikTok, 92% say they felt a positive emotion that ultimately resulted in an off-platform action. Now that’s some serious results all from being a little bit silly. 
SECOND COURSE: Create more Joy.
  • Creating TikTok content that helps people carve out joy for themselves - or even provides joy through humour, relaxation and relatable points of view - could be the difference for brands in 2023. There is an overload of wellness-based content on TikTok, and for good reason. We are all burnt out. There is something subconsciously so satisfying to see someone clean their house in a matter of seconds, especially if you just had a stressful day. With the move to a more mindfulness-based connection in society, Joy based content is here to stay. An example of this is a ‘life hack’ video, an everyday strategy that empowers people to make space for themselves whenever they need it. 
THIRD AND FINAL COURSE: We’re in it together - Community Creation.
  • TikTok is not a school assembly. It’s more like the space in the cafeteria where everyone has their clique and pocket where they feel most comfortable. By niching down on a large scale, it creates a worldwide bond-based environment where new ideas can be shared and trust can be built within sub-groups. Compared to other social media platforms, TikTok has double the power in introducing people to new topics that they didn’t know they liked. People will look to their most relatable creators for new ideas, inspiration and confidence to step out and embrace their individuality. Knowing that there is a space and a seat for everybody on the TikTok table will help your brand push the envelope on ideas that will have ripple effects on the community. 
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Mimi Cc
The 2023 TikTok Trend Report Round Table.
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