It's 2023...!!!
So it's the new year...which means it's a new me (and new you, right!?) Yes, there's that but I'm here to tell you that it's time to start capitalising on 2023 馃コ
The new year is trending ladies and gents! It's time to jump on the New Years resolution side of TikTok, and position your offering as something to aspire to or lust for...
Use key wording like;
馃挕 This year I'm using more of (*your product*) for (*what your product does/offers*) or...
馃挕 2023 >> the year of (*insert product benefit here*)
People are looking to self-improve, at this time of year - so give them a product to help them do it!
So go give it a try...right now (I dare you 馃挭)
HNY - happy tok-ing xx
Tilly Cc
It's 2023...!!!
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