Level up or stay a procrastinator... you're choice.
If you're new here, you're level 1.
Level 1 = procrastinator.
Level 1 = no course access.
To level up, and access course materials, you'll need points.
To get points, make posts and comment on posts.
When someone else gives you a thumbs up, you get a point.
Getting to level 2 requires 5 points.
Once you're level 2, you can access all of the course materials.
The higher in levels you become, the more course materials you will be able to access.
Ted Carr
Level up or stay a procrastinator... you're choice.
Contentpreneurship.com (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
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