Up-level your life in 2 steps
May 2020...
The photo you see below is of me reselling other people’s unwanted clothes and trying to pay off a small chunk of the $25,000 I owed in debt.
During the weekdays I was working a 9-5 and on the weekends I was asking for donations to my small business as a Poshmark reseller.
Thrift stores were closed, everyone was cleaning out their closet, and there were garbage bags full of stuff sitting around people’s homes.
Most of the world was still shut down so I had nothing but time and a giant pile of debt hanging over my head that ate me alive every night that my head hit the pillow.
I knew I was made for more and I was willing to be humiliated in pursuit of it.
By September 2020, I paid off my entire debt by reselling clothes and other household items.
I made a post on Instagram about my journey to becoming debt free, it went viral within my network of friends and family, and then I looked in the mirror, shrugged my shoulders, and said “Hm. I wonder what else I can do now?”
Within the next 24 months, I moved to NYC, quit my job, met my soulmate, went all in on my personal brand, and made multiple 6-figures by turning my story into a profitable online business…
Because I focused on these two things:
1. Mastering my Mindset
2. Taking Massive Action
It’s not that you don’t know how (because you can Google anything, the answers are right in front of you)
It’s that you have to shift the core belief that you are worthy and deserving of everything you’ve ever wanted before there’s any 3D evidence.
If you’re thinking - Giulia that sounds amazing… but, how the HECK do I do that?
I am right here! 💁‍♀️
I have been in your shoes and followed a winding road of trial and error…
and from the outside looking in - it could have been MUCH SIMPLER.
Because - why would you want to
  • scroll aimlessly for hours upon hours researching what works
  • creating + sharing content on social media with no strategy, etc…
… just *hoping* you’ll figure out how to finally pay off your debt or replace the 9-5 job you hate.
It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall and just praying some of it sticks (and that something starts generating revenue).
I’d be honored to show you what worked for me!
It’ll take you from working a 9-5 corporate job and living paycheck to paycheck → to working less hours than you ever have and making more than you ever have (in far less time than it took me)!
I opened up my calendar to help 3 women have their next breakthrough - book a call, here.
Giulia Guerrieri
Up-level your life in 2 steps
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