Giulia Guerrieri
Turn on Notifications
Turn on Notifications
Normally, I'm an advocate for turning off notifications but one of the only notification settings I've ever left on were the ones for the Skool groups I had been a part of over the past year.
The networking, the community, and the material IS the content I WANT TO be consuming.
Your downtime should be to learn something new, expand your knowledge, and be in alignment with becoming the Conscious Creator of your reality.
This is top tier content.
This group could cost thousands a month.
But I've decided to make it free because I know the immense amount of value it brings.
Therefore, make sure you Turn on Notifications in your settings, check the group daily, add to the conversation, create posts, leave comments, network, ask questions, and be a part of the Conscious Creator Community. You are an integral part of the growth of this movement.
Welcome to The Conscious Creator Club! A place to start, grow, and monetize your personal brand by turning it into a profitable online business!
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