March Recap: BTS and Lessons Learned
Behind the Scenes of what March REALLY looked like for me as a Digital CEO…
✅ What you see: Hosted my first ever 11-person retreat in Sedona, AZ
❤️ What you don’t see: Tears of happiness, fulfillment and joy that I people transformed their paradigms in just 4 days
✅ What you see: One week in Bigfork, MT with my business coach to work on ethically and sustainably scaling my business
❤️ What you don’t see: Sitting in a chair for 3+ days crying my eyes out for hours while I watch my ego strip away and shift my own paradigm
✅ What you see: Friends gathered around a dinner table for yummy food, belly laughs, and deep conversations about life and fulfillment
❤️ What you don’t see: Coming home and crying because I had so much gratitude in my heart that these are the kinds of people I now surround myself with
✅ What you see: $60,000 CASH collected for my business in the month of March
❤️ What you don’t see: Being told “no” dozens of time, imposter syndrome creeping in, but continuing to persevere and stay resilient and focusing on my one goal.
All in all, during the month of March, I worked the least amount of days and had the most fun I’ve had in a while.
April for me is going to bring lots of transitions so my intention for the month is simple: to ride the wave of life 🌊
What’s one intention you’re setting for April?
Comment and let me know 🤍✨🙏🏻👇🏼
Giulia Guerrieri
March Recap: BTS and Lessons Learned
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