Apr '20 (edited) in Announcement
The admin side of Skool: Group settings, add/edit rules, and categories
Today we shipped a bunch of "admin side" features — things that allow group admins to edit their group settings and change the way it looks and feels.
Group settings are broken into three sections:
• General — here you can edit the group name, description, initials, color, privacy, group icon, and cover photo. Initials and color are used as the group icon if you don't upload an image. (see image 1).
• Rules — here you can add, edit, reorder, and delete your groups rules. Rules contain a title and an optional description. You can have up to 10. (see image 2).
• Categories — here you can add, edit, reorder, and delete your groups categories. Categories contain a title, color, and an optional description. You can have up to 10. If you delete a category that contains posts, you can bulk migrate them to another category before deleting. (see images 3, 4, and 5).
To access these features, you must be the admin of a group. I know that isn't you right now, but it will be soon enough! This gives you a peak of what the admin side of groups looks like.
Sam Ovens
The admin side of Skool: Group settings, add/edit rules, and categories
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