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I 5x-ed the price of my community
On Alex Hornozi's (indirect) advice, I'm experimenting with raising the price of my Writing Confidence Lounge group from $5 to $27. In Alex's words, "The higher the price, the more people believe [what you're offering] will work." Does that make sense to you?
New comment May '24
I 5x-ed the price of my community
The best way yet to entice early birds to our community
Monday's Skool Games hangout call is still going through my brain, as wisdom nuggets rise to the surface. Here's the latest. As I expect you know by now, when we raise the price of our community, the people who already joined stay at the price they signed up for. Alex expressed the best way of putting it yet, though: these early birds get a "life-long founder's discount". I am loving that. What do you think? :)
The best way yet to entice early birds to our community
The key question to ask your members
Last night saw the second Skool Games weekly hangout Zoom call. 🔥 Alex Hormozi was on FIRE with tips! I want to buy his brand of coffee, lemme tell ya. The session was so valuable that I'll be watching the recording again when it lands, presumably today, and sharing my own major takeaways with you this week. Here's one memorable moment for you, though, when Alex suggested a key Q to ask your community members: "What's one thing we could do in the community that would make it worth 10 times the price?" Strikes me as a great question. And of course, I'm going to ask you. Soon, this community will become paid (so nudge a Skool friend and get them to join fast!), so let's pretend it's $5 per month right now. What's one thing we could do at Community Starters that would make it worth $50 per month?
The key question to ask your members
The optimum number of IG posts per day?
In the March 1-Day With Hormozi recordings, Alex Hormozi specifies what he has found to be the maximum sensible number of posts to make on Instagram each day. "Two or three" is the number, according to the big man. Beyond that, he says, IG penalises you for spamming. How many times do you post on IG each day?
2 members have voted
New comment May '24
The optimum number of IG posts per day?
⬆️ Updates to the mobile app May 2024
Hey everybody, here's a quick update going through the new features and UI fixes we get in the Skool mobile app. The one thing I noticed I missed is that you can't see the "watching" counter anymore. Enjoy!
New comment May '24
⬆️ Updates to the mobile app May 2024
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Community Starters
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