Community Creators Club
Private group
2.1k members
Getting started on Skool is actually very simple, but like anything new, there can be some challenges.
After meeting with Sam back in 2023 and I saw his vision for Skool… I immediately merged all of my free and paid communities over to Skool.
I love the platform and I am so grateful that I made that move.
But there were some setbacks. The setbacks that I want to help you avoid by sharing trainings on how to merge, launch, grow, and monetize your first or next Skool Community.
If you are worried about this being complicated… rest assured that I have made this as simple as possible for you to follow with a clear checklist and executions strategy.
The biggest concern I find is how to merge your existing community and get everyone to adopt the Skool platform.
I will show you the best strategies on this and why your members will THANK YOU later!
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Discover the #1 training on merging your current community, or starting your first or next community on Skool and growing it to the moon!
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