Oct '23 (edited) in General discussion
Disclaimer: This community does NOT provide financial advice.
Nobody knows if the price is going up or down, so don't ask.
And always speak to a financial advisor for professional investing advice.
But the way I see it, the more bitcoin I get now, the richer I'll be in the future.
Is it guaranteed?
Of course not.
But is it possible?
Sure is.
I predict by the year 2035, the price of Bitcoin will be (at least) 1 million dollars per coin (and that's being conservative.)
But to make sure YOU are able get bitcoin at the best price, and to make sure YOU store it securely...
And you need to understand how bitcoin works.
And this community will help you do just that!
So welcome :)
Ted Carr
Disclaimer: This community does NOT provide financial advice.
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