Write something
You Can Do It!
Now, go forth and conquer whatever is holding you back!
You Can Do It!
A good thing to remember.
"Everything is figureoutable." - Marie Forleo -- This is my mantra for dealing with difficult situations. -- Marie Forleo is an American entrepreneur and the founder of Marie Forleo International. She is known for her advice books Everything is Figureoutable.
A good thing to remember.
Be the hero of your own life!
"Be the hero of your own life. Walk your own path. When obstacles arise, go over, under or around them. When you lose your way, listen for the call. Your heart will always lead you." - Chase Jarvis -- Chase Jarvis is an American photographer and author (Creative Calling).
Be the hero of your own life!
Just start anyway!
“Most times, the way isn’t clear, but you want to start anyway. It is in starting... that other steps become clearer.” ― Israelmore Ayivor -- Israelmore Ayivor is a Ghanian inspirational writer, speaker, and blogger.
Just  start anyway!
Failure is simply feedback.
“In reality, failure is simply feedback. It’s not that you are bad, not good enough, or incapable. Failure (or feedback) gives you the opportunity to look at what’s not working and figure out how to make it work.” - Lewis Howes
New comment Feb '24
Failure is simply feedback.
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