Better Beatmaker
Private group
415 members
$79 /month
Go from amateur ➡️ real producer
1️⃣ The average BB member makes 4X more beats after joining
2️⃣ The average BB member gets 12X more views after joining
3️⃣ The average BB member sees results 6 months or less (96% success rate)
All without having to learn ANY music theory, or spending ANY money on equipment/tools.
You can do this right now, from your bedroom studio.
With a Better Beatmaker membership, you get...
10+ hours of Beat Design training
Weekly coaching
Feedback on your beats
Biweekly beat exercises
5GB+ samples and sounds ($350 worth)
Plugin discounts ($1,941 worth)
🤝 Try it risk-free for 14 days (with my 100% Money-back Guarantee)
👍 You can cancel anytime. Join for one month, make tons of progress, and you can leave right after :)
Scroll up, and click JOIN so you can start right away.
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Private group
Everything you need to become a producer
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