Aug '23 (edited) in Introductions
[READ FIRST] Introductions
Welcome to the Online ALHH Academy Basics Community
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know…
#1 - Who are you, where are you from, and why are you here?
#2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community?
#3 - What would you do if you had the energy of your youth?
#4 - Drop a photo of a time you felt young and energetic
I'll go first...
#1 - Hi, I'm Christie, currently living in Alabama, but I have moved a lot with my partner and the ARMY. I am here to find a community of people looking to improve their health.
#2 - What I want out of this community is to be of service... I want to connect with new friends, I want to serve you, and I want to help you improve your health, increase your belief in yourself, and what is possible in terms of gaining and maintaining great health, and I want to have a ton of fun, too!
#3 - If I had more energy I would take my grandkids on adventures, going camping, hiking, and traveling.
#4 - My partner and I
Now it is your turn - Let's Goooo!
Christie Berry
[READ FIRST] Introductions
Change the trajectory of your health for life! Gather together, work on your health, & empower yourselves with knowledge about your own bodies.
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