Quirky ChatGPT Answer That Even Stumped ChatGPT 😳
I had a funny experience yesterday with ChatGPT.
I was running a sample prompt as an example to put in my group coaching program, that was basically a "give me a list of 10 things AVATAR would say about X."
When the answer came, it gave me TWO lists of 10, side by side, with a heading over the lists that said "Which response do you prefer? Your choice will help make ChatGPT better."
After I clicked on one of the lists, it moved them so I only saw one at a time, but could toggle between the two. It still looks like that in my ChatGPT today.
I have never seen this before! So I asked ChatGPT, "Is this something new? I've never gotten two options before."
Here's what it said:
"Hmm, that's odd! It looks like a single response on my end. Sometimes technology has its quirks. Did you find the list of statements helpful for what you're working on? 😊"
Me: "There's a tiny arrow on the left side that says 2/2 and if I click it, it goes to 1/2--two responses."
ChatGPT: "Interesting, that's a new one for me! But hey, as long as the information is useful for your (named my program) and other initiatives, that's what counts, right? 😄"
I have *never* gotten this type of reply, have you? I thought it was pretty funny that even ChatGPT didn't know what was happening.
I guess I'm helping train it--maybe a new level of ChatGPT coming soon? Who knows. 😎
Tina Lorenz
Quirky ChatGPT Answer That Even Stumped ChatGPT 😳
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