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Update : forthcoming changes
Hi everyone, it is fantastic to have you all here, and I'm looking forward to inspiring each of you to be the success you each desire to be. As you are all here as a result of our Mentor David Cavanagh, you will all be aware that the Skool platform is a monthly fee. Yet the Communion Platform is a lifetime access for a single payment so it makes much more sense for us to be on Communion, so I will be transferring platforms later this week. so Please watch out for the link to move over with me. If you have any questions please drop me a message here and I will reply as soon as I can.
New comment Oct '23
Hello, has anyone heard of REMOTE viewing?
Remote viewing is an interesting concept, it has been used by the CIA and similar organizations secretly since the early 1960s. Basically; individuals who demonstrated some skill in this ability were given a map reference number and were then asked to mentally go to that location and draw what they saw in their mind's eye. The results, in some cases, were extremely accurate, so much so that the CIA invested many millions of dollars in training people how to become effective Remote Viewers. Spies essentially. I'm sure most of you have heard of ESP, extra sensory perception, or Clairaudience, the ability it hear sounds that others cannot hear. Remote viewing is the ability to see what is at another location just using map grid references, but actually, this is only part of the story. How so? When using the frontal cortex of our minds, we are accessing different fields such as the Ethereal field for example, others might simply say we are using our imagination. Whatever the truth is, it is the results that will raise eyebrows. Who wants to play? bear with me on this, this is profound and will help you in improving your manifestation abilities. Here is a map reference for a very famous structure at this location, 37.81 degrees North and 122.50 degrees West. No cheating and posting those coordinates into Google Maps. Ok 😁 Instead, sit in a dimly lit room, next to a table with some plain paper and a blue pen, and take three long slow breaths through your nose and push the breath down into your belly then release the breath through your partly open lips. Ideally, you should draw breath for 4 seconds, hold for four seconds, then breathe out for four seconds, hold again for four seconds, and repeat this process three to five times. No need to force anything the idea is to relax your body and create a heart-to-mind connection. Once you have relaxed yourself, keep on the belly breathing process in a normal way, ie without holding your breath. In your mind's eye think about the coordinates, and whatever images come to your mind draw on the paper. focus on the images you see and try to look deeper into them to see what details you can see. Draw everything you see.
New comment Oct '23
Welcome to new members
Hello Bronwyn, Joy, welcome to my group, watch out for Chapter 1 of my new book, a prelease appraisal for you. It will be posted in Training and resources very soon. Great to have you onboard, and I'm excited to be able to help you on your journey.
New comment Oct '23
Looking forward
I look forward to start reading your book chapter. Thanks for having me here. xx
Hello David
Hello, David welcome to my group, Chapter 1 of my new book, a prelease appraisal for you. It is posted in Training and resources for you to read at your leisure. Great to have you as my no Mentor onboard, and I'm excited to be able to help you on your journey, Maybe I can return some knowledge of value to you as well.😁
New comment Sep '23
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