I tried merging both of Brandons Videos for CrewAI
So I have done changes to the code where I tried combining both of those videos into 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAv5FQBD2M&t=476s
I've signed up and made with the same exactly email but I keep on getting this error despite my Gmail API already enabled.
I clicked on the error details in the image above and it showed me this: Error 403: access_denied Request details: access_type=offline o2v=1 service=lso response_type=code redirect_uri=http://localhost:53189/ state=bMTnBfiM6uk2W9kNApDPHUhSfbs7d7 ddm=0 flowName=GeneralOAuthFlow client_id=847203429148-9oebg7m32ijlok9klhldr4h0fago5hue.apps.googleusercontent.com scope=https://mail.google.com/
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Yazan Risheh
I tried merging both of Brandons Videos for CrewAI
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