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QnA with Liam Ottley is happening in 5 days
Looking for YouTube Resources? - READ ME
Our Skool community is where we hold both the Youtube resources that Liam mentions in his videos as well as a place for you to ask questions and network with other AI agency owners and developers. Step 1 (screenshot 1): Find the 'YouTube Resources' channel in the channel menu. Step 2 (screenshot 2): Select 'YouTube Resources.' Step 3: You will now be shown the full list of all the resources provided by Liam. Enjoy!
Welcome to the AI Automation Agency Hub - Must Read 👇
The AI gold rush is upon us. This group is for those who have realized the massive opportunity in selling AI solutions to businesses. As the creator of the AI Automation Agency model, I hold myself and this community to an exceptionally high standard, ensuring we set the tone for the rest of the industry. This community is a team of exceptional individuals who are passionate about AI and are looking to take full advantage of this opportunity. If you're committed to taking full advantage of this opportunity, we invite you to join us. Otherwise, please step aside and make room for those who are. RULES: 🚫 No selling or using this group for funneling purposes. ❓ Avoid making your initial contribution a question. 🔍 Prioritize utilizing the search function to find answers before asking. ⛔ We'll remove posts asking for opinions on specific niches or inquiries about members' countries. 📋 Posts that show little effort or contain poor English will be eliminated. Always proofread your submissions. 📄 Posting jobs is encouraged within the community, but please limit yourself to one listing each month. ✅ Contribute to maintaining high-quality discussions. Report any substandard posts by selecting the 'Report To Admins' option under the three dots. Your FIRST step upon joining the AI Automation Agency Hub: 1️⃣ Head over to the classroom section and use the free resources to kick start your AI business journey! Let's pave the way for this industry together! P.S. I highly recommend downloading the Skool app for easier engagement.
Advice for email filtering and AI draft response solutions? (openai assistant +
I'm prototyping a tool that will read incoming emails to qualify sales leads and then draft a reply. The initial goal is to have a faster reply time for the sales team, but having them review and edit the response before sending. I am planning to use the edited responses to add to the knowledge base and eventually (if things go well) let the response go directly to the lead. I'm currently using and an openai assistant trained on the company information. I'm wondering if other people here have build similar systems and have any reference tips? I'm particularly interested to improve the filtering / qualifying stage to prioritize which emails get draft replies. In addition to Liam's youtube, I've gotten a lot of value from Nick Saraev's youtube, Also some cool stuff on Mitch Asser's, Through all these resources I feel I've gotten close to all the building blocks I need, but still haven't found a full reference for what I'm looking for. If by chance anyone here knows good resources for this use case, it would be much appreciated!
New comment 9m ago
Liam Ottley's new YouTube video style
Who else liked @Liam Ottley's old style of videos. Seems like now he is trying to copy Alex Hormozi. Doesn't seem genuine and content is more shallow. I really liked the old content which was in depth videos for how to build various things with AI. Now it is just another video about starting a business like all the million others on YouTube and it's not even done well. Even his old haircut, way of dressing, and way of talking was more classy and made him seem smarter.
5 members have voted
New comment 22m ago
Trying to break into the ai scene but unsure what the best route is
Hey guys! New to all of this, im a mechanic by trade so have very little knowledge on developing and ai in general, i have done alot of research in terms of how ai is essentially going to take over and believe i would like to get on that band wagon, also seen how lucrative it can be! (desperately searching for a different career path) i currently work 50 hour weeks with a young family but will be willing to put any spare time i have into trying to make this work, what steps would any of you guys who have had similar experiences recommend and how succcesful have you been? Thanks Guys!
New comment 24m ago
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Learn to Start & Scale Your Own AI Agency - Created by Liam Ottley
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