How I grow Skool Communities with massive turnover!
Hey Skool Friends,
my community "AI-Club" in the german version is growing and we now have ~120 paying members, each about 100€ per month for this skool. ( We dont use the internal payment system )
After I realized how great this works, I informed my business partner from "Mission Maskulin" so that they create with my Affiliate Link their own Skool Community and they have over 200 paying members on Skool.
Now: Next move is a networker community and a Affiliate Community, always with Business Partners on my side.
So now I see how great it works and very soon I am gonna launch my very own Skool, where I show people how to create a successfully running Skool Community!
I figured out the easiest ways to make money with Skool, while providing huge value, it works amazing!
Hope this inspires you :)
Peace, Tim from Germany
Tim Hoffmann
How I grow Skool Communities with massive turnover!
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