Price types on Cardmarket
Hi everyone! I've been thinking lately about the price types on Cardmarket. We have these 5 (well... actually 3) price types there: -From -Price Trend -Averages (30-days, 7-days, 1-day) When you use the filters for card condition, language, etc. the only price that seems to be affected by that is the "From" price (This does not apply for reverse card filter - all the prices change if you choose the reverse card). So, I'm wondering what do you all think, which price type reflects the current card value the most. For example - I have seen that one of the Polish Facebook trading group mostly uses the Price Trend, but I've also seen the 7-days or 30-days average price being used in multiple places. I find it kind of confusing, so I would like to hear your opinion :)