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Apartment Investing Secrets

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4 contributions to Apartment Investing Secrets
Million $ Capital Raisers Don't Convince Investors??? Huh???!!!
Before I share that with you, here's a quick update on our $20M in 20 Days Challenge. End of Day 3, one of my investors (let's just call him "Barry" - not his real name to protect his privacy) reached out to me with a question about a deal. And then he said he noticed on social media about my $20M in 20 Days Challenge. To make the long story short, he wants to invest $500,000. With Barry's investment, $18,300,000 left to achieve our goal...and just 17 days to go. Do you think we can reach our goal? ===================== I know. I know. That sounds weird. But it's true: million $ capital raisers don't try to convince investors. Convincing someone is trying to get that person to do something for YOUR reasons. In contrast, PERSUASION is getting that person to do something for THEIR reasons. Based on that definition, Million $ Capital Raisers don't convince investors. They persuade investors. In the past, I thought I had to SELL myself and my deal to my prospective investor. But I realized that SERVING my prospective investors is what makes them invest in my deals. I provide a service. And that is, the apartment and hotel deals I put together SOLVE my passive investors' problems. Problems like their money losing value because of inflation... Problems like paying the IRS too much money... Problems like running out of money in retirement... All I do is understand my prospective investor's main problem, & find a deal that will solve that problem. I am SERVING them, not SELLING them. And that is PERSUASION...not convincing. #20mill20days
New comment Feb 2
2 likes • Oct '23
Great point.
How to Raise $1,325,000 of OPM in 12 Months or Less
Short answer: through posting everyday on TARGETED social media platforms. In fact, one of my business partners - Wen - helps me raise private capital and he does so solely on social media. One time, when I was about to acquire 2 hotels and build a $110M hotel/condo project, I challenged him to raise private capital quick. He raised $12M of OPM in just 12 weeks - all through social media. Which social media platforms and what should you post? The Right Social Media Platforms 1. Right here on our FB group - Apartment Investing Secrets. Why? We have 35,000+ apartment investors and based on a survey we did a while back, we estimate we have more than 2,000 accredited investors. In fact, the majority of capital that Wen raised in 12 weeks was through our FB group. 2. Other FB groups that talk about real estate investing. 3. LinkedIn but target the ones you want to connect with by searching for the hashtags they use in their posts (related to real estate investing). What Should You Post? Remember 4E. Your post should... 1. Educate 2. Engage 3. Encourage; and 4. Entertain This post is an example of an educational post. My post last Sunday asking people's opinion on what Financial Freedom means for them, is an example of an engaging post. My post of my face besides 2 checks of $407,000 each is an example of an encouraging post. Just by doing this, DuWayne Gregory, one of my Mastermind members was able to line up $250,000 in private capital in just 12 weeks just by posting on social media. DuWayne is so confident of what he achieved in a short span of time that he is now part of a real estate deal where he will raise $2.5M. You might be saying, "But Mike, I am not a social media person." or "But Mike, I don't have time for social media."
New comment Feb 2
0 likes • Sep '23
Can I get the tool you are speaking of?
Hotel Investing Masterclass Today @12NN EST
We're having the last Hotel Investing Masterclass today, April 6, at 12NN est. Comment below to get the Zoom link.
New comment Apr '23
0 likes • Apr '23
For those who missed the live is there a recorded replay they can watch somewhere?
0 likes • Apr '23
@Mike Ealy Thank you!
Welcome to our Skool Group
Here are several things you can get out of our Skool group and why this is a whole lot better than Facebook groups: 1. All the posts are visible to everyone; on FB, your post is not visible to everyone 2. It's easier to NETWORK with people (check out Members section) 3. It's easier to LEARN/ get educated (check out Classroom section) - on FB, the GUIDES have limited features and FILES are separate. Here on Skool, they're both under Classroom. By the way, we have uploaded over 12 hours of educational videos and will upload more (again, check the Classroom section) 4. The Calendar shows EVENTS and you can even add them into your google calendar 5. Skool also rewards members who are ACTIVE in the group through Leaderboards. The more you post valuable stuff, the more you comment and provide answers to people's questions, the higher your "points" become and the more credible you become So please post your questions, help everyone here and network.
New comment Apr '23
1 like • Apr '23
Thank you. I'm excited to be here!😊
1-4 of 4
Taneka Myrick
2points to level up
Hello everyone and welcome to the group!

Active 65d ago
Joined Apr 7, 2023
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