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3 contributions to Skool Community
Explained: Growing a Skool group with ads
As requested by @Sid Sahasrabuddhe — I've created this short tutorial video, explaining: - The easiest and most effective way to run ads to get leads - How you can track these ads with a 100% accuracy - How you can scale your free or paid Skool group. If you got any questions, please feel free to ask them below.
New comment Mar 8
2 likes • Oct '23
great explanation thank you !
How to exploit Skool's new $100,000 challenge
If you're a beginner looking to start making money online, but don't want to risk spending your own $ in case it's unsuccessful... ... then here's how to ethically exploit Skool's new $100,000 challenge so that you can generate monthly recurring revenue with zero risk of losing/spending any of your own money. I'll give you some context, then give you the playbook. CONTEXT: - Skool's running a $100,000 challenge - They're giving away $100k of prizes to people who start a Skool community and use Skool payments to generate monthly recurring revenue - The challenge lasts 28 days - The big prizes are for the people who generate the most monthly recurring revenue or who get the most customers (nearly impossible to win if you're a beginner) - Skool has said "EVERYBODY who gets 10 paid members gets Skool merch + 3-months FREE Skool subscription" (winner winner chicken dinner) Here's the PLAYBOOK to generate Monthly Recurring Revenue with zero risk: 1. Use the first 14 days of the challenge to figure out what you're going to sell, and how you'll get customers 2. With less than 14 days of the challenge remaining, start your 14 day free trial 3. Set up Skool payments to charge $1/month for your community 4. Hustle to get 10 community members 5. If you don't, cancel your Skool free trial and don't pay a penny 6. If you succeed, you get another 3 months free Skool (and some free merch) 7. Use those 3 months free Skool to generate $99/month - $9,999/month 8. If you don't, cancel your Skool and you'll still have never paid a penny 9. If you succeed, now you're making more than the cost of Skool, so still never risk a penny 10. Continue to scale up to $10,000/month And if you run that playbook you'll be able to generate monthly recurring revenue without ever risking a single penny of your own money. If you've been watching to start an online business but never got round to it, now's the time to act. There's no better feeling than earning your first dollar online.
New comment 26d ago
1 like • Sep '23
$44,000 in 18 days With Skool—No Paid Traffic or Sales Calls
***UPDATE: the FULL video is live now → Still in the middle of the launch. But wanted to see if there was any interest in seeing how I generated $44K in just 18 days with Skool. It was less work than you may think. The best part is my calendar is clean without any sales calls. I don't know how to run ads so I didn't use them I could talk about: - How I'm generating traffic on TikTok and YouTube into Skool - How I'm using Skool to sell products (without sales calls) And also the tech behind it: - My automated content machine (Airtable, Zapier & Google Drive) - The backend tech with Skool (Zapier & ThriveCart) If you're interested in an A-Z video (or even a webinar) comment "video" below and I'll put it together. PLUS I'll DM you when it's out. If there are enough people I'll do a full webinar. I'll be doing this in my community. Loving Skool!
New comment 12d ago
1 like • Aug '23
video !!
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Richard Doust
1point to level up
I Empower Multilingual Leaders and Speakers to Overcome Language-Related Self-Doubt and Command the Room -

Active 2h ago
Joined May 8, 2021
Strasbourg, France
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