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143 contributions to Max Business School™
Set Your Goals For The Week (09/09/24)
Set your goal for this week: Step 1: Comment your goal to achieve by next Monday - It must be tangible, measurable and within your control - It must act as a promise to yourself to keep you accountable - It can be as easy or hard as you like, main thing is that you achieve it - It will build the habit of setting and achieving goals. We climb our mountains step by step Step 2: DO. THE. WORK. - Do the action laid out in your goal - This is why your goal must be a set of actions that is under your control Step 3: Claim your victory and repeat step 1 - If you achieved your goal from last week, begin your comment below with "I hit my goal." - Then proceed with Step 1. - For bonus points, elaborate on how you achieved your goal this week and what you learned - This is a group activity to help support one another in achieving our dreams, week-by-week, goal-by-goal, action-by-action Let's win together... Support your fellow goal-setters and achievers... And let this serve as a reminder that the only way to fail is to give up.
New comment 60m ago
@Whitney Stearns My next aim is to get to the highest level of productivity, balancing work and life efficiently.
0 likes • 18h
@Whitney Stearns Sure!
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
Hey there, fellow creators,freelancers and business owners. Let’s dive into a topic that many of us struggle with: procrastination. We’ve all been there, right? You sit down to work on that project, and suddenly, your phone is way more interesting than it should be, or you find yourself organizing your sock drawer instead of tackling that deadline. But what if I told you that maybe your problem isn’t procrastination at all? Maybe what you really need is to embrace a little bit of craziness. Think about it. Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to be “productive” that we forget to let our imaginations run wild. We stick to safe ideas and familiar paths, and that can lead to a creative block. What if, instead of forcing yourself to work in a structured way, you allowed yourself to explore those “crazy” ideas that pop into your head? Being a little bit crazy means taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. It’s about letting go of the fear of judgement and just creating for the sake of creating. When you give yourself permission to be unconventional, you might just find that the inspiration flows more freely. Maybe you need to try that wild concept you’ve been toying with or mix styles that don’t traditionally go together. Allowing yourself to be a bit unpredictable can spark new ideas and reignite your passion for your work. And let’s be real—sometimes, the most memorable and impactful creations come from those moments of “craziness.” Think about the artists, designers, and innovators who have changed the game. They didn’t play it safe; they took chances and embraced their unique visions. So, the next time you find yourself procrastinating, ask yourself: Am I really avoiding work, or am I just stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s time to shake things up a bit. Try something new, let your imagination take the lead, and don’t be afraid to be a little bit crazy. Remember, creativity isn’t about following a strict set of rules; it’s about exploration and expression. So go ahead, embrace that wild side, and watch how it transforms your work. You might just find that the key to overcoming procrastination is to unleash your inner maverick.
New comment 2d ago
Your Problem Isn’t Procrastination—You Just Need to Be a Little Bit Crazy
Great idea!
About a year ago, I was speaking with a friend regarding my business and after she saw my commitment, she encouraged me to enroll for Masters in Digital Marketing and Business with Max Business School. I began the journey and at the point of owning a domain with Hostgator, I had financial issues which held me back for some months. Nevertheless, I didn't lose focus on my goals so I remained optimistic with the hope to leverage on the program. Earlier this year, precisely February 2024, I resumed my program and started all over, studying one module at a time, taking notes, and practicing each module at my pace!!! Though I was shown a shortcut but I made sure that each external certifications were studied and passed no matter how long it took. With a heart full of gratitude, I'm grateful to God for the successful completion of my advanced program that a journey which started in February 2024 has finally come an end. Website: My sincere appreciation to my tutor @Scott Max the leadership, admins, and the wonderful community at large. As a piece of advice, personal development is KEY!!! • Build and cherish strategic relationships, and don't you EVER stop working on yourself!!! Of course, It will take time, but stay committed and disciplined. Skills you don't have, surround yourself with tangible people you could learn from. • Understand the power of yet!!! There is a difference between "I don't know it" and "I don't know it yet!" The former terminates and deters your learning ability while the latter keeps you in the learning curve till you are better than the first day you started learning. • Enjoy the process and learning journey no matter the challenges you face, celebrate your little wins, and the sky will be your starting point. Warm Regards, Odekanmi Oluwadamilare Ayomide.
New comment 3d ago
Very inspiring
Hi, I'm Carla. I'm new here and I hope to learn with you all😊
New comment 2d ago
@Aireden Carla Furigay Welcome aboard
New comer
Hello 👋 am Wangu from Botswana. I am looking forward to learning with u guys.
New comment 1d ago
@Wangu Jeremiah welcome aboard
1-10 of 143
Mercy Wireduwaa Antwi
887points to level up
Love for creativity

Active 18h ago
Joined Mar 20, 2023
Kumasi, Ghana
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