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Owned by Kawika

Self-Host Hub

Public • 71 • Free

Replace costly automation services for your business.

Self-Host Innovators

Private • 27 • Free

Replace costly automation services for your business.


22 contributions to Self-Host Hub
Studio Pro Tech Update
Hi. I've been coding the SaaS application and I wanted to give an update. Studio Pro is 3 modules; Live, API and Workers. I built it with these goals: - The whole system is a standalone SaaS application built on a robust framework (Studio API) that anyone can use to spin-up their own automation service for themselves or others. That means taking into account installation, maintenance, support, payments, subscriptions, and complying with the various licenses by the apps and AI models that the system could use. It will have workflow management and a database to replace services like airtable and and n8n for the supported workflows. Payments and subscriptions are TBD so stay tuned. - It will be open-sourced using the MIT license so you're free to "...use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software...". - LIVE - The Frontend Layer has to be lightweight, deployable as standalone or in an orchestrator like Kubernetes and be brand-able using templates or custom designs. The front-end is a visual interface to the API which provides the main functionality like signup, creating api keys, storing secrets for other APIs, workflow management, etc. n8n would be at this layer. - API - The API layer has to be multi-tenant (organizations), use modern methods like websockets, webhooks, API Keys and HMAC signatures, granular permissions (video:write, service-account:read), multiple user roles (super-admin, admin, member), accept and issue API calls, queue management for worker tasks, fully tested, worker cluster management, deployable standalone or in an orchestrator, etc. The Postgres database is at this layer. - WORKER - The Worker Layer has to be horizontally scalable, fast to spin-up, highly performant, state-of-the-art features and be rooted in keeping costs to a minimum if not zero$. We have brainstormed some really cool ideas like an airtable/make/n8n migration tool and AI workflow builder, ComfyUI API integration for advanced effects, and much more.
New comment Oct '24
Studio Pro Tech Update
Studio Utils
Hello. I've been doing a lot of n8n workflows for myself and others and I have run into two frustrating issues; auto-saving workflows I'm working on and auto-backups of saved workflows. I'm a software developer and site reliability engineer so, naturally, I wrote some apps to handle that. Workflow Auto-Save is a Chrome browser extension. It detects when the Save button is activated on an n8n workflow and based on a time interval you set, it clicks the Save button, automatically. See screenshot for a view of the app. Workflow Auto-Backup is a shell script that detects changes to all your saved workflows. When it detects a change, it creates a backup of the workflow with a timestamp added to the name. They're both available at The Workflow Auto-Save Browser Extension has been submitted to the Chrome Web Store for review and hopefully, approval. Cheers
New comment Sep '24
Studio Utils
0 likes • Sep '24
Auto-Save is published. Here's the URL or just search for n8n. Cheers
Need Help with having setting up my Automations
Hello Everyone, As someone who is extremely interested in automation and has zero technical experience, I want someone to help set up automation as a project or part-time job. I mainly want to set everything up on my local n8n on my Synology. After Consulting with Kawika and seeing his amazing work, I was motivated enough to ask for help, as I had tried my best to DIY, but it didn't work. If you are interested, please do let me know, thanks a lot :)
New comment Oct '24
0 likes • Sep '24
@Ramy Enab Thanks for the offer. I needed an external backup anyway. The process involved some command-line work to change the shared folder permissions. I'll write something up if that will help and I want to make a tutorial video.
1 like • Sep '24
@Ramy Enab Synology has come a long way. I got the n8n Postgres nodes to use the Postgres server that DSM uses. It's nice to have a real database at n8n's disposal since n8n only has an in-memory db. Studio also uses Redis so it's like a real server. 😁
Self-Host Studio Update! Phase 2 development is complete
This video was made using N8N, Image Creator and Video Creator running on my computer. They directly replace, Leonardo and JSON2Video respectively.I'll update you when the code is released along with the tutorial video. A little heads-up, if you plan on running Studio on your computer, you'll need 16GB+ of RAM and an Nvidia GPU to do image creation and subtitles. If you don't have that kind of setup, I plan to release a docker image that can build a server on, with one click, that will dramatically reduce the cost. Cheers
New comment Oct '24
Self-Host Studio Update! Phase 2 development is complete
0 likes • Sep '24
@Zee Kay It was Elevenlabs on that one. i've been trying to get TortoiseTTS running. It's another big server so I think it needs merging with other workers or I was hoping Runpod would provide one which saves a large delay waiting for the download.
2 likes • Sep '24
@Zee Kay Hey Zee. It's the Create Audio node. In the Add Node feature [ + ], it's called Self-Host Audio (Elevenlabs).
Dashboard Update
Disclaimer: I do not offer legal or accounting advice so please do your own research in regards to licensing, acceptable use and terms of use of any software and services mentioned in this community. Hi. I've been coding the new Self-Host Studio Pro (aka Dashboard, see attached image). One of my goals beyond eliminating costly services is to provide a simple inviting interface for non-technical people to use on a daily basis. And, to provide a platform for anyone to launch a SaaS business of their own. All the Studio code, workflows and documentation will be 100% open-source. To achieve that goal, it required a thorough understanding of licensing. Particularly n8n and large language models that generate images. I'll spare you the long boring explanation so to summarize; I have had to look for another model for generating images which has led me to Aura Flow v0.2 and ComfyUI (which can load many different models). My understanding is that both can be used for commercial purposes without special licensing or fees. Again, not advice and do your own research. Studio Pro will support any backend image service and you will get to choose which Image Generation system you want to install and run. I'll update you when Studio is ready to try out. Thanks for your patience and I hope to help you achieve your business and personal goals. Cheers
New comment Sep '24
Dashboard Update
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Kawika Ohumukini
355points to level up
Creator of Self-Host Studio.

Active 3d ago
Joined Jun 24, 2024
Orange, CA
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